Thursday, October 29, 2009

Oh, yeah

I'm alive. I promise. I didn't forget about you... I just wasn't sure what to do with you.
I'm alive and enjoying life.
Here's proof!

Here's my nephew, T, acting as silly as can be. He's adorable... in case you couldn't have guessed!

Here I am with a certain gentleman. He's adorable... and I'm smitten.

And here are some bike cops on a giant bike.... because I'm not really sure what you were expecting from this blog anyway.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Calamity Jane

Cause just when you think your week can't possibly get any worse....

you come home to a counter moving with ants.

This is a picture of a fish L and I saw at a restaurant. We both swore it was deceased since it wasn't moving and was caught in the weeds.

We were informed by a waiter that it was 'just resting' or some kind of joke.

I still think it had 'ceased to be.'

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Scenes of Summer

I realize it's August and that I didn't post a thing the entire two months of June and July, so I thought I would share a smattering of pictures to describe what I've been up to... enjoy!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

hazy, hot and humid

Meals are a challenge.
Not only am I usually cooking for myself,
But lately, it's too darn hot - which means I don't feel like actually cooking.

I tend to remedy this situation with cereal, pb&j, or cold cuts.

The past few days, I've had fruit along with my dinner... in order for it to not seem so boring.

Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, peaches, and even the occasional banana brighten up my rather boring meal.

With a strong dash of cinnamon sugar, it's the perfect addition!!

Disappearing Act

I've been negligent in my posting.

I've spent too much time reading, sitting in the sun, and enjoying summer, and not enough time posting.

My apologies.

I will try to change this...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Summer's here!!! (almost)

Yesterday, I had my first Rita's Water Ice of the season.
Summer is officially (unofficially) here.

Proof: my cup (and my lovely painted fingernail)

The sludge pile I sat downwind from - also, I cropped out the slavic speaking people picking up their sludge.

I gazed at this fountain from the comfort of my own vehicle.

After enjoying my Rita's, I meandered to school, where I had my first stats class of the semester... grumble, grumble, grumble.