Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sometimes I Wish I was Clever....

Twas the Day Before Christmas

Picture from here
All I want is to be tucked in my bed, nice and warm.
Maybe next year....
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
A Little Late is Better Than Never
Unlike here, where it rained and rained, New York got a nice dose of snow.
In my personal opinion, everything looks better in the snow.
And a very tired Joe.
A little more time until Christmas... a lot of more rushing around and getting things done,
and Christmas will be here in no time!!!
Friday, December 19, 2008
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
It totally got me into the holiday spirit.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Things and things
For example:
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Dysfunction Palooza
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Twenty-Five Little Known Facts... as demanded by Lauren
25 – I love swinging on swings. I think it’s the rhythmic pattern of it, but it’s so relaxing to me.
24 – I really want to join a yoga class… and have for a while now, but I keep making excuses for myself to not join any classes.
23 – I buy wine and books based on how pretty or clever the label or cover is. I am that shallow when it comes to certain things.
22 – I never really push myself to my full potential because I’m afraid I’m going to screw up in some way.
21 – I have vivid daydreams of being in a car crash. Like, flying through the windshield type… even though I wear my seatbelt religiously.
20 – When I’m stressed, I like to listen to the radio in my car WAY loud.
19 – I wish I were skinnier. But I’m too lazy to get myself into the shape I know I should be in… also, I make up excuses for myself. I also feel goofy when I’m at the gym. Even though everyone else is there for the same reason… I’m very self-conscious when I’m there. Strange.
18 – I used to think I would be okay living by myself in a foreign country, but I’ve come to realize that I would rather stay in the vicinity of my family and friends… I’d be too lonely out there on my own.
17 – I love taking naps… and wish I could do so at my desk at work.
16 – If I won the lottery, I would pay off my family’s debts and put the rest away, but I would still work.
15 – I love watching sunrises. There's something about the quiet as the world gets to start a new day. And sunrises on the beach?? I'm totally sold.
As long as I am guaranteed a nap right after I watch the sunrise, I'm sold.
14 – I wish I still played piano. There are so many songs I wish I could play, and sort of regret not knowing how.
13 - I want to live in a house with a huge garden. And a giant kitchen.
12 – I am happy, but I feel like I don’t deserve to be this happy.
11 – I want to run the Broad Street Run May 3rd in celebration of my 25th birthday. I haven’t run since June, but lately I’ve been having daydreams of me running places, and then trying to figure out the mileage. I think it’s time to start up again.
10 – I wish I could be better organized, but I don’t have the time to make that effort.
9 – I’m still waiting to find my special talent. I can get by with a ton of things, but there’s nothing that I super excel at.
8 – I’m total crap at spelling. And when I come across a word that I can’t spell, I fixate on the correct spelling, and then repeat it to myself in my head, over and over.
7 – I wish I could just spend my days reading and doing arts and crafts. What I wouldn’t give to be Martha.
6 – I love dancing randomly. I also love techno music (not enough to listen to it non-stop, but to dance to, yes.) I also love being quirky. I don’t know why, but I do.
5 – After I learn something in class, I forget it almost immediately. It’s as though my brain takes any break in classes (Christmas, spring, summer, weekends) and just wipes itself clean.
4 – I always have a song in my head. The other day, it was the theme song to The Price is Right. I haven’t watched that show in months, and haven’t heard the song in months either. But there it was, accompanying me throughout my day.
3 – I really think some of my remarks are clever, but other times they’re just mean. And I kind of despise myself for that.
2 – Not many things bother me, but when I find something that irks me, it irks me to no end.
1 – I like spending time with my family. It kind of makes me sad (okay, it really makes me sad) when I don’t get to see them or talk to them during the week. Especially on Sundays.

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Christmas Spirit
Just the relaxing, genuinely glad that it's the holidays feeling.
Although I got no real shopping done, it was nice to spend some time with these two lovely ladies:
We saw some really great sights.
And plenty of Christmas decorations - with lots of color
And also, some law-abiding reindeer:
The windows looked wonderful, all decorated for Christmas:
It definitely got me into the holiday spirit!
And to make up for the picture from Thanksgiving...
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thanksgiving Weekend
Let's start at the beginning.
Wednesday night was a wonderful time at the Hollywood Tavern.
Lots of dancing and ridiculousness.
No pictures of that, but maybe I'll find some...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
what a wonderful thing a weekend is
they look good from a distance
but disappear when you get up close to them.
~John Shirley
In other news: sister Nina came home today for Thanksgiving break. She was a general pest, attacking everyone and climbing all over the place. But I guess it's good to have her home and in one piece.
And Now For Something Completely Different
BBC America.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Happy anniversary to me
Sometimes, this is how I feel about work.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
errands on my lunch hour

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Who is she?? The cat's mother??
I got to thinking, it might not be too bad to be like my mom. That and the fact that I AM my mom. From the way I dance to the way I laugh, I'm Beth. From my hair to my nose, I'm Beth.
One of my favorite memories of my mom is the summer before my senior year of high school. She took the time to drag me up and down the East Coast visiting possible colleges. When we started our road trip, I didn't really think it would be all that fun... it would be just like another shopping trip with my mom. But somewhere outside of Boston, my mom started to show her real side - not just the mom side. I remember laughing about something ridiculous while we were waiting for the tour at Brown to begin, thinking my mom was a pretty cool gal. Moments later, when I got stung by a bee on my foot, she went straight back into mom-mode. I love knowing the fact that she cares about me and loves me, but is still willing to be my friend. And drive six hours to a school I didn't really like cause the girl was wearing pearls...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Sunday Nights
It then continued up the Eastern Coast, where I met up with some friends from college.
And some hijinks ensued.
Friday, November 14, 2008
And so it begins

no, not that kind of slide
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday Night
a picture of us at a wedding in december
It's so hard to believe that we've known each other for roughly 10 years. 10 years!! (Am I that old?!?!) These are the girls that I met during my freshman classes. These are the girls who totally know how crazy I can be... mainly because they can be just as crazy. These are the girls who I can talk with for hours and hours... and still walk away having more to say. These are the girls who I can still imagine being a huge part of my life in 30 years (I mean, come on, my mom had her high school friends at my sister's wedding!) These are the girls where there is never any drama... we all just get it. These girls mean so much to me (please note: they could never, never replace my sisters... but they're still just as close to my heart.) And now, one of these girls is on her way to be married. And did the honor of asking the rest of these girls to join her in the wedding party. How fun!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Days when I have no work

Please note: this is NOT what my bedroom looks like!
I get to laze about in my PJ's for the greater part of the day

Not the exact ones I have, but probably just as comfy
And today, I get to read this lovely book - instead of doing homework

I managed to swipe this book from Joe's library
All in all, it should be a rather relaxing day
With maybe a little run mixed in.