Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

Be Warned: this post has little words but lots of pictures.

Let's start at the beginning.
Wednesday night was a wonderful time at the Hollywood Tavern.
Lots of dancing and ridiculousness.

A little Shout perhaps??

Being serenaded by some guy.

Thursday was the parade in Center City, then dinner at my parents' with the Kauffmans.
Tobin wasn't too impressed with his first Thanksgiving Day Parade

Santa Claus is coming!!

Two turkeys

Friday was Black Friday shopping with the family, then New Jersey for the Gilson wedding.
The Old School cousins

And some of the New School cousins

Saturday was a day at the spa... followed by a wonderful wedding.
No pictures of that, but maybe I'll find some...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It's Thanksgiving Eve... what more do you expect?!

Some things I found on my computer...
they made me smile.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

what a wonderful thing a weekend is

Weekends are a bit like rainbows;
they look good from a distance
but disappear when you get up close to them.
~John Shirley

This weekend seriously disappeared. It was another one of those weekends where things were planned, but not really. My roommate from college, Liz, came down for a little visit. Liz and I were roommates for all 4 years of college (with the exception of 1 semester junior year) and she knows me very well. She and I always have a great time when we're together. We are usually on the same wave length, especially when it comes to our sense of humor. Liz is always thoughtful, and kind, and freakin' hilarious. Some of the stories she told this weekend had me in tears... and happy ones at that! And I figure, after putting up with me for 4 years, she has to have a lot of patience!

Liz arrived on Friday, and was promptly whisked to the nearest cheesesteak place for her yearly fill of Philly's finest. After dinner, we went to a happy hour in Center City - and stood in one of the coldest lines ever. We danced and had a generally good time...

Liz and some of the gentlemen she attracted

Saturday was a trip to King of Prussia, after many a story and plenty of test-grading (Liz likes to take her work everywhere!) Saturday night was a night 'in' with a dash of RockBand mixed in. Liz left very early on Sunday morning, in search of coffee and cheap gas. I directed her to both. All in all, a great weekend spent with a great lady - who I am very fortunate to know.

What a terrific duo!

In other news: sister Nina came home today for Thanksgiving break. She was a general pest, attacking everyone and climbing all over the place. But I guess it's good to have her home and in one piece.

And Now For Something Completely Different

Nothing beats an early Sunday morning viewing of Monty Python's Flying Circus on
BBC America.

Nothing.image from this site

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy anniversary to me

Today marks my 2-year anniversary with work.
So for the past 2 years, I have been sitting at the same desk,
looking at the same computer, doing the same job.
Crazier still, that means I've been out of college for 2.5 years.
Where has the time gone?!

Sometimes, this is how I feel about work.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

errands on my lunch hour

Dear old men in red trucks whom I encountered on my lunch hour:
Do you think that where ever you are going is more important than where I am going??
True, I only went to the dry cleaners...
but there is no need for you (both of you!) to cut me off.
Perhaps it's the color of your truck
that makes you think you're the most important thing out there.
I often feel the same way when driving my red car.
Next time, just watch it.
Cause then I won't have to come back and write a post about you.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Who is she?? The cat's mother??

The other day at work, I made a comment that was funny, but not totally "gotten" by everyone in the group. As I walked away from the situation, I realized that what I had said could be taken as "snarky." I immediately felt awful. When I related this story to one of my cousins at a later date, he laughed, and said "You're just like our moms!! SASSY!!"

I got to thinking, it might not be too bad to be like my mom. That and the fact that I AM my mom. From the way I dance to the way I laugh, I'm Beth. From my hair to my nose, I'm Beth.

One of my favorite memories of my mom is the summer before my senior year of high school. She took the time to drag me up and down the East Coast visiting possible colleges. When we started our road trip, I didn't really think it would be all that fun... it would be just like another shopping trip with my mom. But somewhere outside of Boston, my mom started to show her real side - not just the mom side. I remember laughing about something ridiculous while we were waiting for the tour at Brown to begin, thinking my mom was a pretty cool gal. Moments later, when I got stung by a bee on my foot, she went straight back into mom-mode. I love knowing the fact that she cares about me and loves me, but is still willing to be my friend. And drive six hours to a school I didn't really like cause the girl was wearing pearls...

Thanks, lady!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Nights

This weekend was rather busy.
It started with an evening out with ladies I used to work with.
It then continued up the Eastern Coast, where I met up with some friends from college.
And some hijinks ensued.
a lovely day on the sound

It ended on the couch with a plate full of Chinese food
and a guy I kind of like.
Such a good weekend.

Also, the trains I took this weekend to New York reminded me of another thing:

I promise I'll go back there... maybe I'll even take that guy.

Friday, November 14, 2008

What would I ever do without you three

"I could never love anyone more than I love my sisters"
Louisa May Alcott

And so it begins

I just looked at my calendar and realized:
This weekend marks the yearly slide into the holiday season.

no, not that kind of slide

Every weekend, from now until Christmas, is filled with some sort of festivity...
holiday related or not.
Every weekend until December 25th, I will be traveling to and fro...
visiting friends, relatives, and the like.
I love this time of year.
It's so busy, and festive.
It's so great to meet up with friends that you haven't seen in a while.
The family parties are always a delight.
And plus - the shopping.
The malls are crowded and decorated in such a festive manner.
It's never relaxing, but all the running around is always worth it.
And with Thanksgiving thrown in the mix... it's sure to be a great time.
O holidays - how I adore thee.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tuesday Night

Last night I had the wonderful pleasure of dining with some of my favorites from high school.

a picture of us at a wedding in december
It's so hard to believe that we've known each other for roughly 10 years. 10 years!! (Am I that old?!?!) These are the girls that I met during my freshman classes. These are the girls who totally know how crazy I can be... mainly because they can be just as crazy. These are the girls who I can talk with for hours and hours... and still walk away having more to say. These are the girls who I can still imagine being a huge part of my life in 30 years (I mean, come on, my mom had her high school friends at my sister's wedding!) These are the girls where there is never any drama... we all just get it. These girls mean so much to me (please note: they could never, never replace my sisters... but they're still just as close to my heart.) And now, one of these girls is on her way to be married. And did the honor of asking the rest of these girls to join her in the wedding party. How fun!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Days when I have no work

I love having off from work.
I get to stay in bed as long as I want
photo from here
Please note: this is NOT what my bedroom looks like!
I get to laze about in my PJ's for the greater part of the day
photo from this place
Not the exact ones I have, but probably just as comfy
And today, I get to read this lovely book - instead of doing homework

photo courtesy of here
I managed to swipe this book from Joe's library
All in all, it should be a rather relaxing day
With maybe a little run mixed in.

O, hey.

So, I'm new to this thing. I'm not sure why when I post pictures it says "Align Center" directly underneath them. And then when you click on it, you just see shiny foreheads. I'm not sure why you sometimes get the warning when you log onto my blog (Many thanks for even being interested!) (as an aside, I actually think that warning is up there because it took me so long to figure out what I wanted in my blog... what did I want to say to the world, what colors should I say it in, etc.) I'm not sure why there are empty boxes sometimes at the ends of my posts. I don't know what they do, and I don't know how they got there. So please, just bear with me. O hey, I'm new here.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Weekend - Part Deux

So dinner with the family was delicious. I made chicken with apples, broccoli, buttered noodles, and rolls. Perfect way to end a weekend. mmmmm.... dinner
And none of this would be possible... NONE!... without my lovely sister, Diana. She totally stepped in as my sous chef and did a killer job with the chicken.
Align CenterDi's a total genius in the kitchen. And the classroom.
Mom helped out with the dessert. Fantastic Harvest Cake. Plus some Breyer's Vanilla Ice Cream. It was seriously pretty darn good.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Weekends, I prefer the weekends

Even though the weekend is not yet totally over, I'll give a quick recap. Friday, I ventured out to Malvern to see Joe's school and to meet some of his coworkers. After Happy Hour at the Flying Pig, the two of us headed to the movies for Role Models... fan-freakin'-tastic. Joe guffawed several times during the movie, which means it had to be rather funny.

photo from this site
Saturday was breakfast with this lovely lady and her son, one of the cutest little kids. Toby is adorable as ever. Such a cutie... and those eyes!! After hanging out with those two, there was some major laziness on my part - just hanging around the house and whatnot, before heading down to Joe's house for the evening's activities. Saturday night was the Hold Steady concert at the Electic Factory, plus some ridiculousness. A very good time indeed.

photo courtesy of here

I am currently being lazy on the couch with the help of Diana. She and I both excel at this activity. Today, I'm having dinner for the fam at my house, since I am roommate-less for the weekend. We'll see how this goes...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

If I had a blog...

I'm a total blog creeper. On my lunch breaks or down time at work, free time on the weekends, I creep. I never post, but I'm always out there... After creeping around numerous other blogs forever, I've decided to journey into the blog world myself. I'm not really sure what exactly this blog will be, but fingers crossed it will be exciting nonetheless. Bear with me, and we will see what happens...