25 Little Known Facts from the Life and Times of Mariel25 – I love swinging on swings. I think it’s the rhythmic pattern of it, but it’s so relaxing to me.
24 – I really want to join a yoga class… and have for a while now, but I keep making excuses for myself to not join any classes.
23 – I buy wine and books based on how pretty or clever the label or cover is. I am that shallow when it comes to certain things.
22 – I never really push myself to my full potential because I’m afraid I’m going to screw up in some way.
21 – I have vivid daydreams of being in a car crash. Like, flying through the windshield type… even though I wear my seatbelt religiously.
20 – When I’m stressed, I like to listen to the radio in my car WAY loud.
19 – I wish I were skinnier. But I’m too lazy to get myself into the shape I know I should be in… also, I make up excuses for myself. I also feel goofy when I’m at the gym. Even though everyone else is there for the same reason… I’m very self-conscious when I’m there. Strange.
18 – I used to think I would be okay living by myself in a foreign country, but I’ve come to realize that I would rather stay in the vicinity of my family and friends… I’d be too lonely out there on my own.
17 – I love taking naps… and wish I could do so at my desk at work.
16 – If I won the lottery, I would pay off my family’s debts and put the rest away, but I would still work.
15 – I love watching sunrises. There's something about the quiet as the world gets to start a new day. And sunrises on the beach?? I'm totally sold.
As long as I am guaranteed a nap right after I watch the sunrise, I'm sold.14 – I wish I still played piano. There are so many songs I wish I could play, and sort of regret not knowing how.
13 - I want to live in a house with a huge garden. And a giant kitchen.
12 – I am happy, but I feel like I don’t deserve to be this happy.
11 – I want to run the Broad Street Run May 3rd in celebration of my 25th birthday. I haven’t run since June, but lately I’ve been having daydreams of me running places, and then trying to figure out the mileage. I think it’s time to start up again.
10 – I wish I could be better organized, but I don’t have the time to make that effort.
9 – I’m still waiting to find my special talent. I can get by with a ton of things, but there’s nothing that I super excel at.
8 – I’m total crap at spelling. And when I come across a word that I can’t spell, I fixate on the correct spelling, and then repeat it to myself in my head, over and over.
7 – I wish I could just spend my days reading and doing arts and crafts. What I wouldn’t give to be Martha.
6 – I love dancing randomly. I also love techno music (not enough to listen to it non-stop, but to dance to, yes.) I also love being quirky. I don’t know why, but I do.
5 – After I learn something in class, I forget it almost immediately. It’s as though my brain takes any break in classes (Christmas, spring, summer, weekends) and just wipes itself clean.
4 – I always have a song in my head. The other day, it was the theme song to The Price is Right. I haven’t watched that show in months, and haven’t heard the song in months either. But there it was, accompanying me throughout my day.
3 – I really think some of my remarks are clever, but other times they’re just mean. And I kind of despise myself for that.
2 – Not many things bother me, but when I find something that irks me, it irks me to no end.
1 – I like spending time with my family. It kind of makes me sad (okay, it really makes me sad) when I don’t get to see them or talk to them during the week. Especially on Sundays.