Saturday, January 24, 2009

Busy Bee

I have some things...
Some things I would like to get done.

Perhaps before I turn 25 (yikes!)
Or before the summer ends
Or before the year is through...

I'm flexible.

But I would like to get these things accomplished...
so I can cross them off my list, or at least be a little more rounded.

Take a yoga class
(I have taken a few, but I would like to keep with it this time)
Write more letters
(cause mail is just fun to receive)
Finish my desk
(refinishing and all!)
Put up bookshelves
(my books need a home... desperately)
Bake more
(and put my awesome new cookbook to work)
Learn how to fix a Trek hybrid
(and actually fix mine)
Sew more
(and put all that fabric to use)
Start saving more money
(just in cases)
Finally purchase some running shoes
(and use them!)

Fingers crossed, I can knock some of these items from my list.

That would be a pretty nice birthday gift...

I'm trying to be patient.

After my trip to Floridaaaaaaa, I can't wait for summer.

For pedicured toes.
For flip flops and sandals and espadrilles.
For walking around barefoot.
For sand between my toes (and in the bottom of my purse.)
For hair highlighted by the sun and freckles galore.
For lemonade and grilling and baseball and swimming.

I just can't wait.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Cure for the Winter Blues

I heard from some of my college friends a few weeks ago.
They wanted to go somewhere warm.
And they wanted to know if I was game.

I was game, my friends. I was totally game.

And so, this past weekend, I hopped a plane to Florida to enjoy some sun.

no sun the first day... a little disappointing.

My lovely travel companions

Posing for pictures...

...before we had any of these...

...which led to some pictures like this...

... but we behaved ourselves for one of these!

Finally! A sunny day...

... on our last day. (Healy's luggage on the beach.)

All in all a wonderful trip!

So it was a great way to get rid of some of the Winter Blues...

But I might just need another trip come March!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

perusing never hurt anyone

As I was playing on the internet today, jumping from blog to blog, I found this site.

Be-still my stationery-loving heart!!

I looked at everything the site had to offer, while trying to ignore the voice in my head telling me:

"Maybe you'll be more organized if you had this..."

"Maybe you would finally finish your desk if you had this to put on it..."

And so forth.
Until I realized that it's rather unlikely that either one of these things would happen in the near future...
But a girl can dream, can't she???
All photos courtesy of seeJanework

Thursday, January 8, 2009

you make my heart sing

One of my favorite books...
Thanks to this site

...will be a movie come this summer.
I wonder if it will be any good??

Monday, January 5, 2009

Lots of Things...

So I've been a little busy over the past few days...
Meaning no posts.
So here some photos to catch you up!

My holidays included:

Decorating the tree on Christmas Eve

Some pranks :)

Some delicious breakfast Christmas morning

A lazy New Year's Eve in

Cooking some dessert in my new Dutch oven

Some smiling cousins


Pestering my sisters!

Fingers crossed, I will start posting on a more regular basis.

Once things calm down and all.