Monday, March 30, 2009

Things about things

So I made a challenge for my self, in order to curb my spending habits.

I am making myself adhere to certain rules, such as no non-essential items can be purchased, unless they are gifts for others
(it seems that there are a lot of birthdays that fall within my time frame.)

I'm mainly not letting myself purchase things for myself that I want, right at that very moment.
This challenge has made for some difficult decisions at Target
(does that shirt count as an essential item?? I mean, I do NEED clothing...)

It's forcing me to think about how badly I need (want) something, so that I'm not just throwing my money away.

But this is something I NEED. N E E D.

image from here

I can see many summer evenings, crafting away with the help of Martha.

Pure bliss.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I love books.
I love reading old books.
I love reading new books.
I love books that take me on different adventures;
that make me think outside of the box;
that make me think outside of my own little world.
Lately, I just can not get enough!!

By the end of Water for Elephants, I could not get through the chapters quickly enough... and was wishing that I could be a part of the circus, or that I had a pet elephant.

I flew through this book,

After the final chapter of My Life in France, all I want to do is bake French breads... while living in the French countryside.

Simply devoured this book,

The final book on my shelf is The Toss of a Lemon, recommended to me by friends from college. I can not wait to start this book, but since I have no other books waiting to be read, I am trying to take my time with it ... perhaps this will finally make me renew my library card...

And I can't wait to dive into this book.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

First weekend of spring

In order to celebrate the first weekend of Spring,
I made Joe take me to the beach.

It was chilly, but sunny...
in other words, perfect.

Surprisingly, there were a lot of people walking on the boardwalk.

Being at the beach quieted my desire for the summer, just a little bit.

I'm still looking forward to it; to being on the beach with the sand between my toes, walking the boardwalk at night, the ocean just background noise, and dessert from Kohr brothers... delicious!

Kohr Brothers - the perfect cure for sunburn.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring has sprung!!

Happy Spring Everyone!!

Although it is not flipflop weather just yet, I am happy to report that everything around here is waking up from its winter rest.

The daffodils and tulips are poking their heads out of the dirt... and my miniature sunflowers are as well!! (Good thing too - I didn't really think that they would become anything.)

So I am going to enjoy the spring weather, and the fact that it is still light out at 6:30 PM.

Now, that's something to be excited about!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The funny thing about blogs is...

... you have to actually update them.
Not just think about updating, or daydream about it,
you have to actually get in there and do it!

But I'm awful at it: the remembering, the preparing, the doing.
I do daydream about it, but usually while I'm at work, sans my stack of pictures necessary for such a task.

So here's a smattering of what I have been up to, with a promise to do better next time...

We celebrated this guy's birthday

And he brought his entourage

And these girls

who took pictures with the dogs

and Maddie got excited.

Artsy pictures were taken...

And then we all played Rock Band.

The End.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

a dollar short

It snowed on Sunday night, giving me the day off on Monday.

Today, it was 43 degrees, and it is supposed to be around 60 on Saturday.

I know, come August, I'll be wishing for this again:

I finally got to wear my boots!!