Monday, January 5, 2009

Lots of Things...

So I've been a little busy over the past few days...
Meaning no posts.
So here some photos to catch you up!

My holidays included:

Decorating the tree on Christmas Eve

Some pranks :)

Some delicious breakfast Christmas morning

A lazy New Year's Eve in

Cooking some dessert in my new Dutch oven

Some smiling cousins


Pestering my sisters!

Fingers crossed, I will start posting on a more regular basis.

Once things calm down and all.


LKV said...

are you planning to pester diana even further by putting that lovely picture up on here???

your dutch oven cake was delicious, by the way!

DRK said...

i hate you for that.

however, since i actually pointed that picture out to james on lulu's wall instead of hiding it, i think i'm over it.

but i still hate you for it.

MFK said...

O please, a total of 2 people read my blog... Diana and her magenta lipstick phase is safe.